Tree full gay movies

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The Christmas House 2: Deck Those Halls (Hallmark Channel) No Ordinary Man (Oscilloscope Laboratories) Parallel Mothers (Sony Pictures Classics) The Obituary of Tunde Johnson (Wolfe Video) West Side Story (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures) Winners of the 33rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards are marked in bold.Įternals (Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)Įverybody's Talking About Jamie (Amazon Studios)

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A tip sheet with a breakdown of nominations by media and trends among the nominees is available at NOMINEES FOR THE 33RD ANNUAL GLAAD MEDIA AWARDS The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) community and the issues that affect their lives.īelow is the full list of nominees for the 33rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards.

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